South Florida’s 1st News With Andrew Colton

South Florida’s 1st News With Andrew Colton

You likely saw Andrew Colton reporting live from many of the major events that have shaped our world, including the Pentagon on 9/11, the crash of...Full Bio


Survey Shows Voters Want Deportation for Illegal Migrants


Photo: HERIKA MARTINEZ / AFP / Getty Images

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll claims 56% of voters believe most or all the 11-million illegal immigrants in the US should be rounded up and deported.

Some 85% of Republican voters in the Reuters/Ipsos poll said most or all immigrants in the U.S. illegally should be deported, compared to 26% of Democrats and 61% of independents.

Another 36% support the use of detention camps to hold undocumented migrants before they're kicked out of the country.

The poll also shows widespread concern over the massive migrant influx across the southern border since Joe Biden became president.

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