South Florida’s 1st News With Andrew Colton

South Florida’s 1st News With Andrew Colton

You likely saw Andrew Colton reporting live from many of the major events that have shaped our world, including the Pentagon on 9/11, the crash of...Full Bio


New Bill Would Prohibit Lab-Grown Meat Sales in Florida

Lab-Grown Meat Begins To Hit Consumer Market After FDA Approval

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images News / Getty Images

A Central Florida lawmaker is trying to ban lab-grown meat in the Sunshine State.

The proposed legislation (HB 435) defines lab-grown meat, also known as cultivated meat, as “any meat or food product produced from cultured animal cells.”

Florida House Republican Ryler Sirois introduced a new bill that would make it illegal to manufacture or sell cultivated food products.

People who violate the measure would face a misdemeanor charge and a fine of up to $1,000.

Businesses could also lose their license. The next state legislative session will begin on January 9th.

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