Sen. Rick Scott's Democrat Opponent Challenges Him to a Debate in Spanish

2024 Republican National Convention: Day 2

Photo: Leon Neal / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Florida Senator Rick Scott today holding a press conference with Latin American leaders in Miami to condemn Democrats of abandoning freedom in Venezuela. His Democratic opponent, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell laid down the gauntlet today.

During a press call today Murcarsel-Powell pushed back and challenged him to a debate in Spanish.

As the former Governor of Florida, Scott did speak some Spanish in an emergency but is not fluent.

So far, Sen. Scott has not agreed to debate his competitor since both easily prevailed in the Primary election. Scott hopes to replace Mitch McConnell as the GOP senate leader if he wins re-election.

The latest survey from Florida Atlantic University’s PolCom Lab shows Scott with a marginal 47% to 43% lead over his Democratic opponent.

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