Photo: Leigh Vogel / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images
Kick Kennedy's story she told Town & Country in 2012 about her father Robert F. Kennedy Jr. beheading a whale with a chainsaw has gone viral.
She told the publication about a time at the Kennedys' Hyannis Port home when a dead whale washed up on the beach and her dad cut off its head to study it.
Bobby, who has a passion for studying animal anatomy, "decapitated the whale and tied its head to the top of their minivan with a bungee cord to take it home," she said.
This as rumors she is dating Ben Affleck swirl in the aftermath of his split with Jennifer Lopez.
RFK Jr. recently abandoned his independent presidential bid, backing Donald Trump
At the same time, Kick and Affleck were reported to be 'hanging out.'
While it's unclear how they initially met and the nature of their relationship is currently not known, witnesses say they've seen the couple a number of times at hotspots in Los Angeles.