Palm Beach Truckers Face $50 Daily Fines For Parking Big Rigs At Home

Natalia Melian & Her Husband-Loxahatchee Truckers

Photo: CBS 12

Truck drivers are being fined $50 a day for continuing to park their 18-wheelers in front of their homes in Palm Beach County.

A new ordinance took effect this month that bans the practice in Loxahatchee and the Acreage. But Natalia Melian, who owns a trucking business with her husband, is not budging.

"I have been left speechless. I was under the impression that they would present some type of special permit to accommodate vehicles that are over 16,000 pounds however that never went through."

County officials tell CBS 12 News that the ordinance is meant to protect the roadways that are not built to handle the wear and tear from semis, but Melian says truckers have been parking their big rigs in the communities for decades and no damage has been done.

She's been told to find somewhere else to park the semis.

"I've actually searched all the way to Miami-Dade county and I have not been able to find anything affordable and those that are affordable do not provide any type of security so if your vehicle or unit gets stolen, they're not liable for it."

Melian has a hearing before a special magistrate later this summer and a lawsuit was filed over the ordinance in April.

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