WATCH: Remembrance Ceremony On 3rd Anniversary Of Surfside Collapse

Along with a private vigil and lantern launch at 1:22 a.m., the time Surfside's Champlain Towers South collapsed, a public memorial was held this morning honoring the 98 victims.

Rachel Spiegel lost her mother, Judy, on June 24th, 2021.

She says, "It's very hard to live your life in one way, and literally overnight your entire world is turned upside down."

She continues to wait for the results of the federal investigation because, "I think it is really important to know why, and if we know why, continue to prevent this in the future, and I think that's what's really important."

She hopes building code changes can be a positive from the tragedy.

She believes a memorial for the victims near the collapse side, which is being redeveloped, will be an important place to bring comfort to those who continue to grieve.

Today, Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott introduced a resolution recognizing the 98 victims and honoring the first responders who worked the rubble pile.

  • “Today, we honor the 98 souls lost in the collapse of Champlain Towers South in Surfside. To the brave first responders who assisted in the recovery operations, our community owes you immense gratitude for your selfless bravery. We must continue to honor the memory of the lives lost that day and reaffirm our support for the survivors and loved ones.” – Senator Rubio


  • “It’s been three years since the Surfside community experienced an unimaginable and tremendous loss with the collapse of Champlain Towers South. We lost 98 lives that day, and countless others woke up to the heartbreaking news that they would never again see their children, friends, parents, grandparents or loved ones. Immediately, in the face of great danger, our first responders answered the call, and our community and organizations from around the world came together in mourning and to support those affected, especially in our Jewish community—they showed what it meant to be Surfside Strong. Today, we pray for those families who were affected by this sudden tragedy, and I am proud to join Senator Rubio to honor the community and the 98 lives lost that solemn day.” – Senator Scott 

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson released a statement:

“While many across our nation continue their lives as usual, our community is reminded of the pain of losing loved ones to an unprecedented and tragic incident that Surfside will never forget. In 2021, the condominium collapse claimed 98 lives, and although time passes, the void left in the hearts of countless families and friends remains. June 24, 2021, is a day forever etched in the minds and souls of the entire Surfside community. However, that incident also demonstrated to the world the strength and resilience of our community as we came together. I’m proud to represent Surfside and to see the strength of Surfside firsthand.

“Today, everyone at the local, state, and federal levels are dedicated to ensuring such a tragedy never happens again. No one should have to endure the pain that the Surfside community did. This is why I am committed to advocating for higher building safety standards, more robust inspections, and increased oversight in construction across our nation. This commitment extends beyond buildings to encompass all our nation's infrastructure.

“As a senior member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, safety is my top priority. Our buildings, bridges, roads, and everything in between should not be collapsing. So, as we mark three years since the tragedy, my heart is with the Surfside community today and every day. I remain dedicated to amplifying their voices and concerns at the federal level, ensuring that no one has to relive the unspeakable horrors Surfside endured.”

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