Treasure Coast Woman Arrested For Dog Deaths In Her Care

Nikki Camerlengo

Photo: CBS 12

A Treasure Coast woman faces animal cruelty charges after dogs in her care died and at least two of them were killed by blunt force trauma. The Martin County Sheriff's Office statement added, “forensic experts revealed that the dogs did not die quickly, instead succumbing to long and painful deaths.”

Nikki Camerlengo operated Pawsitively Paradise in Palm City, where she would train dogs, but an investigation was launched after complaints from customers that their pets would die in her custody.

They included Fleurie, a 15-year old goldendoodle. Turner Benoit says he brought his mother's dog there. The animal had no prior health issues, just a little hyperactive. He received a call just a couple of days later. It was Camerlengo telling him that Fleurie was not breathing.

Fleurie Goldendoodle

Photo: CBS 12

"You need to go to the facility. You need to check it out. You need to see how that person treats your animal. These people trusted her, most of these people never went to the facility."

Detective Christine Polizzi tells CBS 12 News that Camerlengo has been arrested on one count of animal cruelty, but will likely face more charges.

She adds that others have recently come forward with similar claims but the suspect can't be charged because of a lack of medical records or the deaths went unreported.

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