Proactive Measures Underway To Stop Mosquitoes In South Florida

Now that the rainy season is kicking in, so will the mosquitoes.

Mosquito controls in both Broward and Miami-Dade Counties are taking proactive measures to try and keep the pesky blood suckers at bay.

Broward County Highway & Bridge Maintenance and Mosquito Control Director Anh Ton says, "We have a network of mosquito traps that are located around the county, so we know where the mosquitoes are at this point at any given time and what type of mosquito."

He adds, "the big concern this year is dengue because they are pretty much widespread in other parts of the world especially South American and even Puerto Rico."

While they're spraying an organic larvicide in the Fort Lauderdale area this week, they'll be quickly expanding to other parts of the county to kill larvae and eggs before they hatch.

Miami-Dade County Mosquito Control this week is focusing on spraying the same bacteria in Miami Beach.

You can call 311 in either county to report mosquito infestations.

To beat the bite, wear repellent, long sleeves especially at dawn and dusk and drain standing water around your home.

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