Martin County Considering Year-Round School

Elementary school kids

Photo: Marko Geber / DigitalVision / Getty Images

The Martin County School Board is meeting to discuss something that a lot of kids may not like...year-round school.

Florida lawmakers last year passed a bill to create a pilot program in five districts across the state that would have public school kids attending class all year.

It wouldn't mean more days in the classroom, but they would be spread out differently...with no long summer break.

The Martin County School District is submitting with the state to be one of those five districts. But school officials want to hear from parents and teachers.

That's what the 4 p.m. meeting is all about.

The district is floating the names of four schools to be considered for the pilot program...Pinewood, Port Salerno and Warfield Elementary along with Indiantown Middle School.

Hundreds of people have already weighed in on an online survey.

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