Photo: The Caring Place & Getty Images
Hunger and homelessness are realities in South Florida. Veterans, single moms, teens, people with mental illness, even former neighbors or friends who have fallen on hard times can face these unfortunate circumstances.
Here's how you can make a difference:
WIOD is teaming up with The Caring Place, Miami Rescue Mission, and Broward Outreach Center to help sponsor 20,000 meals to feed the Homeless and Hungry in South Florida.
The 5th Annual Radio Share-A-Thon is going on all weekend long!
It costs $2.10 for one meal, $42 for 20 meals, and for every meal donation, special sponsors will match each donation up to 10,000 meals. Your meals donation will be doubled! 10,000 meals will become 20,000 meals!
You can help right now now!
Please help us reach our goal! CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW or Call 305-572-2000