Sen. Rick Scott Calls Pres. Biden 'A Hypocrite And A Liar'


Foto: AFP

Florida's Junior U.S. Senator is back in Florida to deliver a rebuttal to President Biden.

"So Biden came into the state yesterday and, you know, he's a hypocrite and a liar."

Rick Scott refers to comments made by the president that Scott and some other Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare.

The Senator says he has no intentions to cut those programs.

"We've gotta keep Social Security and Medicare and their benefits. People rely on them. And we can...all we have to do is prioritize what we spend money on."

Scott has proposed a plan to have "all federal legislation sunset in five years," stating that "if a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again."

"I think it's really important that we get our fiscal house in order so we can preserve Social Security and Medicare benefits and I've been fighting for that since I got up there."

The senator says Congress has been neglecting the programs and they will both be insolvent in a matter of years.

In addition to defending himself against what he calls false claims by the president and other Democrats, Scott points out that Biden himself called for freezing Social Security and Medicare back in the 90s.

"Here's a guy that has proposed a bill to sunset these things and sad repeatedly he wants to do it and then is attacking me for wanting to preserve them. What a hypocrite."

Sen. Scott is hosting a roundtable Friday in the retirement haven of Sun City Center, near Tampa. Biden was at the University of Tampa on Thursday, when he made his comments about Scott and other Republicans.

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