Hundreds Of Giant Orange Grasshoppers Take Over Florida Man's Home

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A Florida man is at his wits' end after living with hundreds of giant orange grasshoppers every day. David Coleman told WBBH these "creepy" insects infested his home in San Carlos Park a few weeks ago, and now he wakes up to dozens of them hopping around his yard.

“They’re bright orange. They got big eyes. They got long legs. They’re a little creepy,” Coleman described the grasshoppers. “You take a step and they’re jumping around everywhere. In one day probably 500. I’m not even kidding!”

The frustrated homeowner tried using pesticides to get rid of the grasshoppers, but those methods failed. That's because they can break down toxins, according to Dr. Joyce Fassbender, an expert in insect and spider diversity at Florida Gulf Coast University.

Fassbender told WBBH these creatures are known as Eastern lubber grasshoppers, which are native to Florida. They were able to take over Coleman's yard quickly because it's their breeding season right now, meaning they can lay up to 50 eggs underground.

Eastern Lubber grasshoppers tend to have population explosions thanks to ideal weather conditions and other factors, according to the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. These colorful insects can also damage row crops, citrus groves, ornamental plants, and other vegetation. Overall, they're not dangerous to people or pets.

For Coleman's dilemma, Fassbender recommends setting up baits designed to attract them and lower their population.

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