This Is The Coldest City In Florida

People look forward to the winter to cool down from the summer and even enjoy some snow. While some states may not experience bone-chilling temperatures, like Florida and California, even these places get dips from time to time.

Stacker got curious and found the coldest city in every state. The website states, "Citing data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Stacker identified the coldest city in every state. The list below is based on 30-year average temperatures and also includes the average daily minimum and maximum temperatures for each ranked city."

According to data, Florida's coldest city is Pensacola! Here's why it was chosen:

"When discussing cold weather, Florida likely does not come to mind. However, Pensacola, located in the state's western Panhandle, gets cooler than other cities. The city, home to an international airport and U.S. Naval Air Station, is a transportation hub for visitors and military personnel. Pensacola is also the headquarters of the world-famous Blue Angels."

They also provided data to back up why this city is the most chilly in the state:

  • Average annual temperature: 67.4°F
  • Average daily maximum: 75.8°F
  • Average daily minimum: 59°F

Check out the full report on Stacker's website.

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