This is already something which is well established, despite the attempted lies by some on the left which attempt to occasionally assert that illegal immigrants commit less crime than Americans. The very concept is absurd on its face given that every illegal immigrant has already committed a crime by virtue of being here illegally to begin with. All Americans would have to be criminals for that conversation or comparison to begin. It’s a false premise. But what’s more is what I’ve also illustrated including recently... Data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics revealed illegal immigrants, or “non-citizens” as the report identifies them, are nearly ten times more likely to commit a federal crime than the average American. That includes 28% of all federal fraud, 25% of property crimes and 24% of all drug trafficking arrests. Yeah, imagine that, those whose first act in this country is to break the law seemingly aren’t exactly inclined to start respecting them afterwards. Who could’ve seen that one coming, right...? As I’ve mentioned previously, all interest groups and politicians including those in South Florida, who’ve advocated for the status quo regarding illegal immigrants, should have to account for this information. We should have answers as to why it is that they feel it’s acceptable to subject us to the abundance of crime and malfeasance they bring to our communities and country generally. But the reason why I’m specifically discussing this topic again today isn’t just to rehash the very serious consequences of embracing the status quo with the free flow of illegal immigrants into this country. It’s because of the most recent crimes involving illegal immigrants which have the potential for a chilling and dangerous impact in the future for Floridians during times of emergency.
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