Illegal immigrants are nearly ten times as likely to commit a federal crime
In what should have been the biggest news story this side of anything to do with China Friday, new data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics revealed what’s likely the most alarming information relating to illegal immigration to date. Illegal immigrants, or “non-citizens” as the report identifies them, are nearly ten times more likely to commit a federal crime than the average American. Here are the key figures...
- Non-citizens are 7% of the estimated population
- Non-citizens account for 64% of federal arrests
That makes non-citizens 914% more likely to commit a federal crime than the average American. Imagine how much less crime we’d have if we didn’t have an illegal immigration crisis. And what crimes are we talking about? These are the top crimes prosecuted.
- 28% of all federal fraud
- 25% of property crimes
- 24% of all drug trafficking arrests
More than a quarter of all federal fraud is now coming from illegal immigrants. Nearly a quarter of drug trafficking is as well. For years a false narrative has been spun by interest groups and politicians who support open-borders agendas, that illegal immigrants are law abiding – even more so than the average American. Aside from the inherent dishonesty associated with suggesting someone in the country illegally is law abiding, clearly the notion is utter nonsense. The top country of origin for illegal immigrants committing federal crimes was/is Mexico – 40%.
All interest groups and politicians including those in South Florida, who’ve advocated for the status quo regarding illegal immigrants, should have to account for this information. We should have answers as to why it is that they feel it’s acceptable to subject us to the abundance of crime and malfeasance they bring to our communities and country generally. We should also take heart in Florida’s decision to enforce sanctuary policy against politicians who’re so willing to put their communities at risk in the name of their own political agendas.
Photo: Getty Images