It takes a special person to be a special person. And there’s no doubt Charlie Crist is nothing if not special. Florida’s favorite political camelon and current Democrat candidate for governor most certainly thinks he’s something special. To a small gathering of supporters, because it's Charlie Crist after all, he pointed to his campaign sign and said “you see the blue and the yellow, does that remind you of any country that’s in the news lately?” to which what sounded to be the twenty people, I’m being generous here, said. “Ukraine”, to which he said, “we’re fighting for freedom here to”. Right, so first, we’ve learned that Charle Crist choose his political colors to play off of the plight of the Ukrainian people. Classy. Then he’s comparing Wednesday in Florida with Ukrainians fighting the Russian invasion of their country. Nope, no stretch there. Then he said “President Zelensky is amazing, amazing, the courage and the strength and the decency he shows. This is an election about decency.” Really, Charlie”? So now you’re the embodiment of Zelensky. Got it. But wait, there’s more. Crist said, “you know some people call him DeSatan.” What sounded like the five people left in the room lightly laughed. And then he said “DeSatan vs. That”. The that was his Ukrainian color schemed campaign sign with his name on it. And when there was silence from what may have been the three people in front of him he said, “oh think about it”. To which one said “Christ” and he said boom. As the DeSantis campaign team characterized it. In just one-minute Charie Crist compares himself to both Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Jesus Christ. Holy Crist, Charlie. Holy Crist. Even for you this is special.
Photo: Getty Images