A life well lived. While I’ve never been the type who's into “palace intrigue” with the royal family I’ve always had a great deal of respect for Queen Elizabeth II, a true throwback who transcended generations with faith in the forefront of her life and unrelenting values she held firm to. You know, the anthesis of what Harry and Megan represent for example. While many will talk about her hats and how well she was liked generally, to me when I think of the Queen I’m reminded of Winston Churchill, her friend and tutor who helped save the world from Hitler. Upon her coronation, when the Labor Party leftists and opportunists within his own party were attempting to throw Winston overboard as Prime Minister once and for all, she remained loyal to Winston, using her influence to gracefully put an end to the efforts and allowing Churchill to retire years later on his own terms. Upon his resignation she wrote a letter to Churchill stating: (No future prime minister would) be able to hold the place of my first prime minister to whom both my husband and I owe so much and for whose wise guidance during the early years of my reign I shall always be so profoundly grateful. Churchill said this in his final toast upon retiring: Never have the august duties which fall upon the British monarch been discharged with more devotion than in the brilliant opening to your Majesty’s reign. We thank God for the gift he has bestowed upon us and vow ourselves anew to the sacred cause, and wise and kindly way of life of which your Majesty is the young, gleaming champion. Brilliant and beautiful words which she always lived up to. And so yeah, now there’s Charles and Camila. It doesn’t have quite the same feel, and they don’t quite carry the same values, do they? If the monarch were elected something tells me William and Kate would be King and Queen today.
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