It’s long been one of my sayings. It’s long been true. And it’s most certainly as true today as it's ever been. In the immediate aftermath of the Mar-a-Lago raid I said this: The Mar-a-Lago raid is the byproduct of what happens when there’s no accountability for the rogue actors responsible for the Trump-Russia collusion fraud. I could make it complicated. The underlying set of circumstances as to how we’ve arrived here is complicated. The grand conspiracy to create and to perpetuate the fraudulent Steel Dosier to create the fraudulent Trump-Russia collusion narrative, surveillance, investigation and subsequent impeachment were complicated. It was an intricate conspiracy concocted by the Hillary Clinton campaign, peddled through the DNC and seized upon by the FBI/DOJ officials. It’s so intricate that all these years later Special Prosecutor John Durham is still investigating it. It’s also something which hasn’t led to any accountability for any of the rogue actors involved. The FBI and Department of Justice’s raiding of Donald Trump didn’t start Monday night at Mar-a-Lago. It’s been ongoing since 2016. What happened at Mar-a-Lago is just the most visible example of their effort to get Trump. Typically, the corrupt federal actors do things behind the scenes like peddling a fraudulent dossier to the FISA court to spy on him. The biggest mistake anyone can make is to take the FBI’s actions at face value for a whole host of reasons. As I’m inclined to say, if the premise of anything is false, anything built upon it is as well. Yet how often in the coverage about the developments post-raid has that context been presented. On Monday after learning what was in the search warrant, I said this: I don’t have a clue what exactly was extracted (aside from the alleged 20 boxes of theoretically sensitive/classified materials – which Trump disputes as having been declassified – which would have been his absolute right as president). But I do know I’m not stupid and I can spot a farce when I see one. What we did learn is that a) there was no sense of urgency in the timeline associated with executing the search warrant and b) there was no sense of urgency in recovering materials after the search warrant was issued. So, the D.C. deep state narrative is this... Material so sensitive was stored unlawfully at Mar-a-Lago, that the FBI needed to raid the joint with 30 D.C. exclusive agents (cutting out the typical protocol of the operation being led by the local field office). As usual my analysis, and my sources have proven to be dead on point. Courtesy of the outstanding investigative work by RealClear Investigations reporter Paul Sperry.
Photo: Getty Images