Today the House takes up the legislation dubbed the (anything but) Inflation Reduction Act. Inherently you should know that the only way Congress would be able to take action to reduce inflation, would be if they were to pass legislation which would reverse the government actions which led to it. Does this legislation reverse the Biden executive order banning the Keystone XL pipeline? Nope. Does it undue his executive order ending the issuance of new energy harvesting permits in the US? Nope. Does it undo the dozens of new regulations which act as disincentives for energy companies to increase supply at their existing operations? Nope. Does it undo the $1.9 trillion in invented money supply created as part of last year’s “American Rescue Plan Act”? Nope. Does it undo the artificial demand created by the artificial money which was handed out like candy? Nope. Right, so there’s nothing that actually reduces inflation in this plan. But what it does do is of course raise taxes and dramatically increases the size of government. Quite literally. As in essentially doubling the IRS. Now, the news this week has been dominated by what happened at the onset of it with the unprecedented FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago. But as I’ve discussed all week, the DOJ and FBI retain no credibility in any matters involving Trump as their raiding of him didn’t begin on Monday at his home, but in 2016, during his presidential campaign. This concept comes full circle today as Congress is looking to double the size of the IRS and increase enforcement measures by four to six times current levels. Just as we’re supposed to pretend the DOJ and FBI wasn’t found to be corrupt in their coordination with the DNC and team Clinton to plant the Trump-Russia hoax in 2016 and instead we’re take them face value today. We’re supposed to pretend the IRS wasn’t found to be guilty of weaponizing the agency against conservatives during the Obama administration. If there’s to be a doubling of the size of the IRS and if there’s to be up to 600% more enforcement, let me ask...who are they coming for? After all, if you can’t trust the Biden administration's bureaucrats, who can you trust? The abuses of power in “Justice” were covert under the Obama administration. They’re overt under this one.
Photo: Getty Images