As school is back in session for many students already in Florida, so too are the teachers who participate in unions which account for greater than 70% of Florida’s public educators. And these union members are putting their money where their politics are, or should I say that of their unions at a minimum? In any event the biggest donors to Charlie Crist are you and me. What am I talking about? Well, we pay for the salaries of public-school teachers. Over 70% of Florida’s public-school teachers are members of a union. And the largest donors to Charlie Crist are teachers’ unions. So yeah, we’re being forced to finance Charlie Crist’s campaign with the roofs over our heads. Ain’t the unholy alliance between Democrats and teachers’ unions grand? So, here’s the school card. The American Federation of Teachers – which is the parent of every teachers’ union in Florida has forked over $500,000 of our money to Charlie and chipping in with an additional $50,000 are the Florida Education Association, the United Teachers of Dade and the Democratic Public Education Caucus of Florida. Quoting Charlie on our forced contributions to his campaign... It’s deeply meaningful that our campaign’s single largest donation comes from the teachers who are working so hard to give our kids a bright future. Hmm, actually Charlie, it came from us. You know the tax paying types who are the ones working hard to pay for the schools and to pay for the teachers who then choose to give our money to a union who chooses to give it to you. But yes, thank you for your reminder that your biggest donors are our public-school teachers. There’s nothing like good ole’ classroom politics. Makes you feel good about what’s happening in the classroom, right?
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