I could make it complicated. The underlying set of circumstances as to how we’ve arrived here is complicated. The grand conspiracy to create and to perpetuate the fraudulent Steel Dosier to create the fraudulent Trump-Russia collusion narrative, surveillance, investigation and subsequent impeachment were complicated. It was an intricate conspiracy concocted by the Hillary Clinton campaign, peddled through the DNC and seized upon by the FBI/DOJ officials. It’s so intricate that all these years later Special Prosecutor John Durham is still investigating it. It’s also something which hasn’t led to any accountability for any of the rogue actors involved. The FBI and Department of Justice’s raiding of Donald Trump didn’t start Monday night at Mar-a-Lago. It’s been ongoing since 2016. What happened at Mar-a-Lago is just the most visible example of their effort to get Trump. Typically, the corrupt federal actors do things behind the scenes like peddling a fraudulent dossier to the FISA court to spy on him. The biggest mistake anyone can make is to take the FBI’s actions at face value for a whole host of reasons. As I’m inclined to say, if the premise of anything is false, anything built upon it is as well. There are a myriad of provably corrupt actors within our federal agencies which I exposed as part of my 30 Count Indictment, which I broke nationally on February 2nd, 2018 (corresponding with the release of the Nunes memo stemming from the House investigation into the Russian collusion hoax). There are also untold numbers of related actors which haven’t been publicly exposed. In other words, for six years there have been a lot of people with a whole lot to lose inside and outside of the Justice Department and our intelligence agencies. Their greatest threat in being brought to justice is none other than Donald Trump finishing what he started in “draining the swamp”. I don’t know where the dust will settle on this specific investigation as part of this raid. What I do know is that the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation lack credibility in matters involving Trump. And let me be crystal clear – anyone who suggests otherwise isn’t an honest arbiter of information and they retain no credibility themselves.
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