Going into last night, that was the question. Now we know last night's made for TV J-6 dog and pony show was just a season finale. While it's clear that key actors in the production like Liz Cheney will be looking for new work in January, along with the whole production crew being disbanded upon Republicans gaining control of the House, this taxpayer funded, and Democrat directed, political action committee will return with at least one more episode to attempt to get Trump. One thing is certain at this stage of the drama however, not even the two Trump impeachments were as illustrative of Trump derangement syndrome as the J-6 dog and pony show was, or is...? But here’s what we do know. Trump beat the committee. The one-time reality TV star is the winner of this fictionalized series. As I mentioned after the first few episodes which included the plot twist of a previously unscheduled episode, I mean hearing... Not that 41-year high inflation, a pending recession, a border crisis, geopolitical crises and reliance on Australian goats for baby formula is a big deal or anything. But if you ever had any doubt about how truly effective Donald Trump was as President of the United States...you need look no further than the extent the dishonest left will go to attempt to keep him out of office. The J-6th Committee, absurd joke that it is, is but the latest act of desperation to get Trump. From the Steel Dosier and bogus Trump-Russia collusion narrative, including his being bogusly impeached for the fraud carried out by the DNC and allies within intelligence agencies – tales so tall being told third hand by a former Mark Meadows aide that the Secret Service itself is seeking to set the record straight to the Committee. But here’s the thing. And it is a thing. As I mentioned yesterday, the real “emergency” for Tuesday’s J6 dog and pony show was actually the need to bury the story that a voicemail from Joe Biden to Hunter Biden has been recovered which proves Joe was in communication with Hunter about the foreign business dealings which are the subject of a federal investigation. Something Joe has repeatedly denied having any knowledge of or having ever even talked with Hunter about. Now, the Hunter Biden dynamic introduces a reality TV component none of us will ever be able to forget. And it’s one that I’ll come back to in a moment.
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