Naked Florida Man With Barbells Accused Of Burglary, Threatening Someone

Photo: Brevard County Sheriff's Office

A Florida man is facing charges for two alleged crimes, including threatening to kill someone, WKMG reports.

The Brevard County Sheriff's Office says a male witness saw 62-year-old Larry Gardner outside a neighbor's home naked and banging on the sliding door with a barbell Monday evening (March 7). When the witness approached Gardner, that's when the nude man allegedly raised the barbell over his head and said, "I'll kill you," an arrest affidavit alleges.

Authorities say the man then slapped Gardner, causing the suspect to drop the piece of gym equipment. Then, the 62-year-old man grabbed a metal rod from the yard and chased the witness, according to the report.

"The man then pulled his gun and told Gardner to drop the metal rod when another neighbor came out to help tackle Gardner to the ground," reporters learned from officials.

Deputies also accused the nude suspect of committing a burglary shortly before the incident. Gardner was charged with aggravated assault and armed burglary.

Other naked Floridians got into several mishaps already this year. A lawyer was jailed after refusing to put on clothes inside a bar. Then, there was the strange incident of a naked person spraying evacuating people with a fire extinguisher.

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