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The words grossly irresponsible were said by Kenosha Wisconsin Judge Bruce Schroeder. He used them to describe the media’s handling of the case. Not only is he right, in many respects, but it’s also understated.
Would there even be a Rittenhouse case if not for grossly irresponsible news media’s handling of last year’s BLM riots? From unlawful assemblies to arson and looting, news media was irresponsible. For months they downplayed the unlawful behavior of rioters, fanned the flames of racial tensions, refused to report on the Marxist origins of the movement which culminated in widespread defunding of police.
What happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin on August 25th, three months into the summer of riots became what it is now in large part because of grossly irresponsible news media. It’s only fitting that they’d continue to fail the justice system and the country generally as the jury deliberates. The news media is also why the American people didn’t get to see what Joe Biden is really all about until he was president which they now overwhelmingly reject.
News media comes in two forms. The intentional omitting of the truth and the furthering their political narratives through what they do choose to cover. Both were in force last summer which led to where we are in the first place. That’s true of Kyle Rittenhouse, the jurors, Judge Schroeder and all of us under this administration. The more encouraging news in real-time is that whether it’s a judge in Kenosha or the average South Floridian, eyes are now open and increasingly people realize who they can and can’t trust for facts and the truth.