Photo: Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images
What’s on the line. Or perhaps better...who?
This week’s special state legislative session, called by Governor DeSantis, is about far more than political posturing or DeSantis’ political future beyond next year’s reelection bid. It’s about principle and it’s about over half a million Floridians currently in the workforce who wouldn’t be if not protected from the Biden vaccine mandate.
There are still days I think about what’s been happening under the Biden administration and the speed with which our entire system of government has been attempted to be turned on its head and find myself as shocked as I am horrified. The natural reaction is to simply follow the news of the day onto the next issue we find before us. Especially as today’s signing ceremony over the so-called bi-partisan infrastructure legislation takes place. The legislation shafts Florida by only providing the state with 24% of what the population and federal tax revenue share should be. It’s more constructive to look at what’s before us in context.
So, back to what’s on the line starting today in Florida. This pandemic, even preceding Joe Biden’s attempted hijacking of the US Constitution, has shown how critically important our state and local governments are in determining our everyday life. Whether our companies are open or closed, whether we’re able to work or not work. Whether our children can attend classroom education. And of course, most recently, whether we retain any personal choice over what’s injected into our body or that of our children.
The four bills being considered before the Florida legislature this week, if passed, will help protect approximately 532,000 Floridians from losing their careers, help ensure school boards and like government bodies can’t so easily abuse your parental rights, and assert Florida’s sovereign independence in the name of preserving freedom.
All of that and more is what’s on the line in Florida’s state legislative session this week. Having to preserve freedom at the state level is unfortunate, to say the least. Especially with the President of the United States sworn to uphold the Constitution and thus our individual liberty promised under it.