Q&A – What Child Vaccinations And School Mask Mandates Are About

Parents Protest Mask Mandates At Florida School Board Meeting

Photo: Getty Images

Today’s entry: They knew all along that masks were not needed to "keep kids safe". I hope you can read the page straight out of their arguments. Although I'm thrilled my children can opt-out of masks, I'm still furious at the school board for putting us through this, for disregarding all the parents who spoke up at every meeting, for accusing us of not following the science, calling us names, discrediting us and our children.

Bottom Line: I’ve continued to receive a flood of comments and notes from parents regarding the school mask situation following Friday’s third legal win by the state over school districts that have imposed mask mandates without parental opt-outs. This note in particular ties together both of those topics. 

In one of the pictures referenced in the note, this listener sent me an excerpt from Friday’s decision in favor of the state/parental rights by Judge Brian Newman. On page 14 of his decision was this excerpt, "Children have died from COVID-19 but that outcome is extremely rare. The COVID-19 Situation report case fatality rate for people under 16, and for people aged 16 to 29, is 0.0%. That’s why this listener said the offending school districts knew all along that children aren’t at meaningful risk from COVID-19. 

The school districts actually submitted data showing that children have essentially no risk of dying from COVID-19 in Florida. So, if school districts know there’s no meaningful risk to children why would they be willing to break the law to impose mask mandates? It appears to be a different version to a similar thing to the consideration for child COVID-19 vaccinations. 

On Friday, when I spoke to Dr. Octavio Diaz, the Chief Medical Officer for South Florida’s Steward Health Care, he said I “hit the nail on the head” with that assessment based on the data. Something tells me that if local school districts had presented their argument that way to begin with most parents would have revolted against the idea. Just as would likely be the case if public health officials and the medical establishment were to be honest about child COVID-19 vaccinations. These issues aren’t and haven’t been about the well-being of our children. It’s theoretically about your well-being. 

Each day I feature a listener question sent by one of these methods. 

Email: brianmudd@iheartmedia.com

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