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Florida entered this week averaging 1,754 new COVID-19 cases per day over the past week. Florida continues to have the fewest population-adjusted COVID-19 cases in the country. Furthermore, we start the week with 2,089 Floridians hospitalized with COVID-19, the lowest total in four months.
In other news, through Sunday over 76,000 votes had been cast for Tuesday’s primary elections in the special election to replace the late Alcee Hastings in Florida’s 20th Congressional District. Polls will be open from 7 am-7 pm in Broward and Palm Beach County for in-person voting for those in the district tomorrow.
Boca Raton has announced the city intends to reduce greenhouse gas emission by 15% over the next three years. As part of the plan the city intends to increase renewable energy usage including solar. Replacing existing gas-powered city vehicles with electric vehicles. Increased use of remote work options for city employees to reduce travel.
Today through November 12th Florida’s Virtual School has open enrollment for the spring semester. Enrollment is open for K-12. A record number of students are currently enrolled with the Virtual School and demand is expected to remain high.