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Today’s entry: I was looking around the website of the polling firm you cited in your story about young voters rejecting Biden and saw a lot of topics that were interesting. Such as BLM being rejected by most voters, most voters are unhappy with the handling of the pandemic, etc.
Bottom Line: The online accredited polling firm CIVIQS, which is the only online accredited firm with consistent state by state data, polls on a host of topics ongoing. If you root around a little bit you’ll find just how much our country’s perception, and to a lesser extent Floridian's views have changed in a year. Aside from President Biden’s approval ratings being the lowest with the youngest voters, which in my mind is the biggest development in political polling I’ve ever seen, there are many excellent temperature checks across a myriad of issues available both nationally and in Florida specifically. I’ll start with the first two you mentioned. Feelings regarding Black Lives Matter.
The approval rating is 43% and the Marxist organization BLM now retains a net negative approval rating as people have become more aware of what they’re really about. The federal government response to the pandemic states that 52% are not satisfied, with 33% saying they’re not satisfied at all. In Florida, that number rises another 2-points with 54% not satisfied with the Biden administration's handling of the pandemic.
It’s notable that a solid majority of Floridians disapprove of the Biden administration's handling of the pandemic, while a majority of Floridians approve of the DeSantis administration's handling of the pandemic. One of the more interesting ones is the negative dynamic of President Biden announcing a vaccine mandate. At the time that President Biden announced a vaccine mandate 21% of people said they wouldn’t receive a COVID-19 vaccine with 5% who were still unsure. It illustrates how out-of-touch with the country the Biden administration is, to not realize that his issuance of a mandate would potentially cause a net negative reaction. Within the data, it appears that the people who have given into mandates were those who were willing to accept a vaccine but that hadn’t done it previously.
It’s clear that regardless of the issue and regardless of one’s age we don’t approve of the leadership in Washington, while in Florida, we do approve of our leadership generally. This obviously bodes well for Governor DeSantis entering next year’s election cycle, while it’s a warning for Democrats statewide. Especially given the voting records of Florida’s Congressional Democrats which have been 100% in favor of the Biden agenda to date.
Next Tuesday’s clearly one of the earliest national temperature checks in the only polls which truly matter, at the voting booth. The key numbers to watch in New Jersey and Virginia in the gubernatorial races are 16% in New Jersey and 10% in Virginia. Those are the margins with which Biden won those states. The elections will be measuring sticks of sorts to see how meaningful of a shift there’s been within two blue states in one year and after just 9+ months of the Biden administration with Democrats in complete control of Congress.
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