Photo: Getty Images
The advent of boosters has brought about a new and interesting dynamic in COVID-19 vaccinations. More Floridians are consistently obtaining COVID-19 booster shots than those who are obtaining a first or second dose. Take last week for example. Just over 105,000 Floridians obtained a booster compared to 82k receiving a second dose and 55k obtaining the first dose.
In total, nearly 750,000 Floridians have now obtained a COVID-19 booster. As for those obtaining the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, we’re continuing to see most of them coming from the previously unvaccinated who are in the workforce. The biggest increase in first-timers were once again those in their 20’s, though they’re still the least likely to be vaccinated. It’s been evident in recent weeks that companies imposing vaccine mandates along with the threat of the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate have made a bit of an impact on those in the workforce who had previously been reluctant.
COVID-19 vaccination rates continue to trend above the national average in Florida. Floridians at all age levels have been immunized with at least a first dose most recently. Florida’s overall vaccination rate stands at 68.2% of the total population with 72% of Florida’s vaccine eligible population. Florida currently ranks 19th overall among all states in COVID-19 vaccination rates.
Here’s an updated look at completed vaccination rates by age:
- 12-19: 55%
- 20-29: 54%
- 30-39: 63%
- 40-49: 72%
- 50-59: 77%
- 60-64: 84%
- 65+: 89%
As mentioned, the biggest difference this week came from those in the workforce with gains made predominantly by those in their 20s and 40s. To that end, something I’ve been tracking during this weekly update is approximately how many Floridians in the workforce would be caught in the crosshairs of President Biden’s workforce vaccine mandate should the OSHA rule go through. Should that occur, about 74% of Florida’s workforce would be impacted. As of today, approximately 68% of Florida’s workforce has been vaccinated. That leaves approximately 700,000 Floridians currently in the crosshairs of the mandate.