Five potential maps for Florida’s redistricting have been made available at The official site is maintained by the Florida legislature for the redistricting process. The first five proposed maps are citizen submissions that have been determined to meet the guidelines necessary for potential consideration. However, the legislature is actively working on its own maps, though no official proposals have been completed yet. The state legislature is tasked with adopting new maps in the upcoming session. The map will account for Florida’s additional congressional district gained through the 2020 Census.
In either news, Florida’s COVID-19 trend continued lower nearing pre-Delta surge levels. There are now 2,505 new cases reported. Plus, 133 fewer Floridians are hospitalized with COVID-19 today. Florida entered Thursday with 3,153 hospitalizations for the virus statewide.
Lastly, after $8 million was allocated by the state legislature to specifically address the needs of Florida Fish and Wildlife to assist with restoring Florida’s manatee habitats, the Institute is now saying they need an additional $3 million. This will help deal with the critical needs of Florida’s manatee population, especially babies, as this year 11% of the total manatee population has died. Starvation has been the most common cause of death. The $3 million would primarily be used to create additional pools for FWC to nurse calves.
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