Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Today’s entry: Hey Brian, I found it interesting that Democrats have lost over 100,000 voters in Florida and no one’s mentioned it but you. How many of those 100k are in Broward? I think that’d be a big tell as to what’s going on.
Bottom Line: So, today’s note follows my voter registration story from Wednesday when I shared that Florida's Democrats has lost 110,189 registered voters. The net-net of it is that Florida’s lost net voters this year as the state’s reconciled voter rolls, removing voters who are no longer active or can no longer legally vote in Florida. Despite Florida’s strong population growth, the lack of a sense of urgency to register to vote in a non-election year has led to the overall loss of voters. While NPA has been the most popular choice this year, the net-net of the partisan changes is that Democrats have lost 43,169 more voters than Republicans this year.
Broward has the largest percentage of Democrats in Florida, partisan changes could be most indicative of a greater partisan shift. A significant part of Republican’s success in Florida last year was driven by South Florida’s Democrat strongholds, Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties all trending more towards Republicans. So, is there follow through based on voter registrations this year?
The answer is clearly yes.
All three counties have seen far more Democrats defecting from voter rolls than Republicans. In fact, nearly half of the total lost Democrats statewide have happened in South Florida this year as a total of 19,060 more Democrats than Republicans have been lost year-to-date. Of course, changes in voter registrations don’t necessarily equal election outcomes, as not all Democrats vote straight party tickets nor do Republicans. That being said, given Florida’s recent trend towards the right, being led by changes in voting behavior in South Florida specifically, this suggests the trend has continued through this non-election year thus far.
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