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Polling, especially in off years, is worth what you paid for it. On occasion, however, there are real tells. If the first five months of the Biden administration have felt like 15 to you, the only way you’ve maintained your sanity thus far is by waking up in the free state of Florida where life still makes sense.
Senator Rick Scott’s Battleground polling found that you’re solidly in the majority on all of your concerns. For example, Critical Race Theory where 68% are opposed. Also, Biden's leadership where 57% say too weak. With the border crisis, extended unemployment benefits, inflation, federal spending, Americans view the Democrat party, the Republican party’s net favorability is 12-points above Democrats, Joe Biden’s approval rating.
Already most Americans are as fed up with Democrats as you are. What we’re seeing at this temperature check is an overwhelming message by the electorate. They don’t agree with the Biden administration or the Democrat Party on any key issue currently. And it’s not really close.
Finally, on the question of a generic ballot, Republicans are showing a 6-point advantage, a 13-point swing from polling last election day. Additionally, Governor DeSantis is solidly on the right side of all of these issues which help explain why his national profile grows by the day.