The news across the country continued to be generally positive. With most of the country reopening the pace of new cases and deaths continued to drop Tuesday. The country had its 4th lowest day of new cases reported since March 29th, which is notable due to reopening but also the consistent increase in testing. Testing has essentially doubled nationwide since late March. The problem areas continue to be outside of the US. Russia is second in cases and Brazil is fourth and set to pass Spain for 3rd. Today will be a milestone day that’s bound to draw headlines as we’ll cross 5 million diagnosed cases worldwide.
As of now, worldwide, there are 4,999,235 cases, 325,125 deaths, and 1,970,686 recoveries. Nationally, we have 1,570,583 cases, 93,533 deaths, and 361,180 recoveries. In the state of Florida, there are 46,442 cases and 1,997 deaths.
In Florida, we had 502 new diagnosed cases and 55 deaths recorded Tuesday. The new case count was the lowest since last Wednesday and is welcomed the news with all of Florida now in reopening mode. Florida remains 9th in the country in total cases and has fallen to 11th in deaths. Florida’s performing far better than most states on a relative basis. We’ve also tested more aggressively than most states, with only New York having tested more than Florida. More than half of all of Florida’s cases remain in the tri-county area with Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach having the most cases in the state in that order.
The overall positive test rate in Florida dropped to another new low of 6.5%. That's down from the peak of 11%. As a reminder, the newest diagnosed cases are new cases obtained through community spread. This reinforces the importance of adhering to the warnings of public officials including social distancing and wearing masks in public.
Photo by: Getty Images