What's really going on with the public opinion of the president and our view of the direction of the country? Trump's current approval rating is at 46%.
Three weeks ago, President Trump was on the brink of being impeached and sported an average approval rating of 44%. Three weeks later he’s impeached, though Nancy Pelosi has gone into hiding with the articles of impeachment. President Trump’s average approval rating has risen to 46% and is back to being within one-point of the highest mark of his presidency, which incidentally occurred just about a month ago. Anyone who questioned the impact of impeaching President Trump for a crime that was never committed, reported by a whistleblower who wasn’t a witness, should now be quite clear. It’s backfiring on Democrats.
President Trump enters 2020 with essentially the highest average approval to date. It’s a recipe that historically bodes quite well for the incumbent president. In fact, you can consider that President Trump’s average approval rating trails President Obama’s by only a point on this same date. Among likely voters, Trump is two points above his predecessor. As usual, the more informed and engaged people are, the more likely they are to approve of President Trump.
What you never hear reported are the ratings of the Democratic leaders opposing him. Speaker Pelosi is at 39% and Chuck Schumer at 28%. It’s telling that both remain far less approved of than the impeached president.
Looking at the direction of the country this week, we're at 39%. So, overall, we enter 2020 with a record economy and 9% more optimism than in the Obama years.
Photo by: Getty Images North America