Every magazine is either "dead or will die shortly."
That assessment comes from Michael Wolff, the controversial author of "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House."
Writing in Spectator USA ," Wolff said “Every magazine I have ever worked for, and I have worked for them all, is dead or will die shortly.” He went on to say “Still, even with the collapse of so many journalistic enterprises, many of my former colleagues still go on at great and constant unpaid length on social media or, scrambling for a pay-per-appearance contract, as desperately willing pundits on cable television. Why? People are afraid, it seems, to say nothing.”
Following the publication of Wolff's most recent book, Siege: Trump Under Fire in 2019, The Washington Post published a scathing review, describing the book as “difficult to trust” and full of “cringeworthy errors.”
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