8-Year-Old Boy Consoles Crying Classmate With Autism on First Day of School

8-year-old comforts fellow student on first day of classes.

The first day of school for many kids is an exciting time - they're about to go back and see their friends, meet new people, and learn more about the world around them and how it all works. But, for others, going back to school can be incredibly nerve-racking, and one 8-year-old boy from Witchita, Kansas is going viral for the kindness he showed to another student who was having trouble.

Courtney Moore was bringing her son Christian to his first day of school at Minneha Core Knowledge Elementary when she saw her son reach out to a fellow student who was having a hard time adjusting, and crying by himself.

Moore said in her post that her 8-year-old went over and grabbed Connor's hand, letting his classmate know he was going to be just fine. She captured a photo of the heartwarming moment, posting it to her Facebook page.

"I’m so proud of my son, he seen a kid balled up into a corner crying, so he went to console him, grabbed his hand and walked him inside of the school!" the proud mom wrote on Facebook. "It is an honor to raise such a loving, compassionate child! He’s a kid with a Big heart, the first day of school started off right."

Moore's post of the tender moment was shared more than 23,000 times with thousands of people praising Christian for his selflessness. The post even caught the attention of Connor's mother, April Crites.

"Tell your son I said thank you so very much! That little boy he helped is my son and is autistic," Crites commented on the Facebook post. "I worry everyday that he is going to get bullied for being different and your son just absolutely warmed my heart. If there were more children like him I wouldn't worry about such things."

Connor isn't the only one with challenges. Moore replied that her own son Christian struggles with speech and that both boys are unique in their own way.

"I hope that this will be the beginning of a new friendship for both of our sons. Your son was so sweet," Moore wrote.

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