Q&A – Expansion Of Florida's Guardian Program

Today’s entry - A teacher that legally (carries) a firearm off school campus should be allowed to legally carry on campus. To frame it as "Arming teachers" is FALSE. The program allows volunteers that legally carry off campus to carry on campus. There are wolves out there, the solution is not more sheep it's more sheepdogs.

Bottom Line: This note is in response to a conversion about the expansion of the Guardian program with Rep. Shevrin Jones yesterday. First, let's take a look at specifics of what did pass and was just signed into law by Governor DeSantis. First, school districts must opt into the program. Second, a teacher has the choice to participate or not participate. Lastly, a teacher must successfully complete the Guardian program. This will take effect on October 1st.

Thus far 25 of Florida’s 67 School Districts have approved of allowing teachers to participate in the Guardian Program. Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties are among those prohibiting participation. So, regardless of one’s opinion in South Florida, it’s not happening. However, part of what’s been seemingly lost in the debate is what the Guardian program is in Florida. 

Teachers must complete: 

  • 80 hours of firearms instruction
  • 16 hours of instruction on precision pistol instruction
  • 8 hours of instruction and experience in shooting simulators
  • 8 hours of instruction in active-shooter or assailant scenarios
  • 8 hours of instruction in defensive tactics
  • 12 hours of instruction on legal issues
  • 12 hours of certified, nationally recognized diversity training

There’s no guarantee that anyone entering the program will successfully complete it. I agree that the characterization of “arming teachers” is a reach when those requirements are involved. At the same time, I’m glad the requirements are as stringent as they are, and we aren’t just allowing a concealed carry permit to be the determining factor. There’s a vast difference between being prepared to defend yourself vs a classroom of children. We’re all entitled to our opinions. These are the facts. I think it’s important to remember that everyone has the same goal here, safer schools. 

Submit your question by one of these methods. 

Email: brianmudd@iheartmedia.com

Twitter: @brianmuddradio

Facebook: Brian Mudd https://www.facebook.com/brian.mudd1

Photo by George Frey/Getty Images

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