ICE To Train Florida Law Enforcement

During the “Sanctuary Cities” debate in Florida’s state session, I pointed out that only 27 of Florida’s 69 counties have fully cooperating detainer agreements with ICE. In my previews reporting I mentioned that no Florida government had been non-cooperative with ICE if they issued a detainer request, but most of the time ICE doesn’t know there’s someone who lacks status to issue a detainer request unless they’re notified first. That’s the difference between the 27 counties that have been notifying ICE all along and the rest, including the South Florida tri-county area that might not determine status and notify the feds (if one lacks legal status). That’s what’s mandated in the new, soon-to-be Florida law. 

Anyway, in advance of the new policy taking effect, ICE has begun a new program that’s already attracting the ire of the usual “sanctuary” advocates like the ACLU. ICE is now offering training to local law enforcement in Florida to enable local law enforcement to carry out ICE related duties when needed. This makes sense given the ability of local law enforcement to more efficiently process illegal immigrants. Pinellas County has become the first to enter training under this program.

We’re certain to hear much more about this program and those for and against it. For years we’ve heard that no counties in Florida are sanctuary counties, but the ones that provide cover to those here illegally will become increasingly clear vs the ones that believe in enforcing the law. Which shouldn’t be too much to ask of law enforcement. 

Photo by John Moore/Getty Images

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