Florida News Recap: Brightline, Citizens Insurance & Scott Israel

I’ve been doing a daily recap of the some of the notable developments from Florida’s session and I'm expanding coverage to include other news from around the state. Here's what’s happened since Friday.

  • The assignment of benefits reform bill for property insurance is claiming its way to the full House. This amendment would force citizen’s insurance to pass the savings on to policy holders. This was the biggest change in policy on Friday during the session.
  • A settlement between FPL and the environmental lawsuits brought against the Turkey Point plant has been agreed to and there's a six-month window to work out details that would impact Key Biscayne’s water quality.
  • The EPA has loaned Miami-Dade $100 million for water treatment loans.
  • Governor Ron DeSantis is asking for the Florida Supreme Court to take up former Broward Sheriff Scott Israel’s appeal directly to fast-track an outcome. The State Senate refuses to act on the case while it’s in the courts.
  • The Florida Development Finance Corp. approved Brightline’s access to $950 million in bonds for the Orlando expansion project.

Photo by: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

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