Woman In Coma After Getting "Cheap" Surgery In Mexico

A Texas woman who traveled to Mexico for an affordable nose job at a cheap price is now on life support after procedure complications.

A report by USA Today says Laura Avila went to a clinic in Mexico last month for the plastic surgery. There, the operation costs a third less than it does in the U.S.

Avila's fiance, Enrique Cruz, says something went wrong after an employee administered anesthesia. Cruz says employees were getting upset and he was not allowed to see Avila.

"They injected anesthesia in her spine at the clinic and instead of flowing down her body, it went into her brain which caused severe swelling." said Angie Avila, the woman's sister.

After Avila laid in a room for eight hours, Cruz was told doctors could not perform the operation. An outside doctor was called in and immediately moved her to a hospital.

Avila was put into a medically-induced coma after going into cardiac arrest.

When Avila was finally moved to a hospital in El Paso nearly a week later, doctors said that she had suffered severe brain damage and would never be the same.

Family and friends say Avila is now opening her eyes and moving her hands, but because they have no insurance, Dallas-area hospitals have turned them away as they look for a facility where she can receive better care.

A GoFundMe account has been set up to help cover the family's medical expenses.

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