Rescue Group, Boynton Beach Community Working To Save Injured Bunnies

With a bunch of bunny rabbits that seem to have taken over a Palm Beach County park in recent years, one rescue group is looking to protect the fuzzy creatures, since concerned residents said some were recently found killed or suffering from injuries.

Pioneer Canal Park in Boynton Beach, known to locals as "Bunny Park," has seen a number of recent incidents, and its left residents worried for the safety of the neighborhood bunnies.

“I’m tired of seeing them get hurt," Jana Sandler told local news outlet WPTV. "Almost every day, I find a dead bunny.”

Residents called East Coast Rabbit Rescue, who has spent the last two weeks gathering nearly three dozen bunnies to help give them care.

ECRR said the bunnies have been found covered in bite wounds and abscesses. The rabbits are also infested with "...fleas, ticks, they have everything” and are being found malnourished.

The mission of ECRR, along with the Boynton Beach community, is to save all of the bunnies, but officials say that could take months as the ones who have not been found continue to multiple. 

“Everyone is sorry to see them go, most of all me. I love them more than my life. But I love them to save them," Sandler said.

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