A Fort Lauderdale brewery that has been brewing and serving marijuana-flavored beer is being told to stop.
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (ATTTB) recently sent a cease-and-desist letter to Invasive Species Brewing, located at 726 NE 2nd Ave, warning to stop sales of any craft beer infused with cannabis terpenes oil. ATTTB says the federal agency hasn't approved such oil.
Officials say permission is needed for breweries using any non-traditional ingredients.
Despite warnings, Invasive Species Brewing appears to be moving forward with its 420-themed party scheduled for 4:20 p.m. on April 20.
Head brewer Phil Gillis reportedly told SouthFlorida.com that canceling Friday's event would be wasteful.
"[The agency] told me not to make any more beer, but they didn't tell me I had to cancel my event," Gillis said, according to the report.