Pembroke Pines police say two teenagers worked up quite an appetite while robbing a neighborhood home -- because they went to McDonald's after committing the crime.
Authorities say the two thieves broke into a home in the Cinnamon Place community, near 88th Way and Southwest 14th Avenue on Jan. 21.
A 13-year-old boy who was home alone at the time locked himself inside a bedroom closet while the two teens went through the house, police said.
The boy's mother was alerted to the break-in by her home security system and watched from her phone as the teens stole items.
Police released still images of the thieves at McDonald's on Monday. Police say the two went to a local location a short time after the robbery, and used a newly-stolen credit card to purchase their meals.
Police said the burglars drove a four-door silver sedan. Police said both are black men in their late teens, each around 5 feet 6 inches tall. They both had thin builds and short dreadlock hairstyles, police said.
Anyone with information about the case is asked to call Pembroke Pines police at 954-431-2225.