We're up to our second midweek, midterm election update. There are no shortages of individual races with their own story-lines, but without a doubt the big picture about whether the Democrats will retake control of Congress will be the biggest story of the year (especially with the potential promise of impeachment of President Trump as incentive for desirous Democrats).
Midterm elections are more complicated to project than individual races for two specific reasons.
- The lay of the land in the Senate is always different based on the six-year terms
- While House seats do come up every two years, district maps have become increasingly partisan... leaving fewer naturally competitive seats based on the political makeup of a given district
Since the advent of the current two-party system (39 midterm elections) we've averaged the President's party losing 4 Senate seats and 30 seats in the House. If that happens this year Democrats would retake control of both chambers of Congress. Democrats only need to flip two Senate seats to retake control and they need 24 seats in the House. History is on the side of the Democrats reclaiming control going into this cycle.
There are only three times that the incumbent President's party has gained seats (1934 during FDR's first term, 1998 during Bill Clinton's second term and 2002 during George W. Bush's first term) thus only 3 out of 39 midterm elections have resulted in the President's party gaining seats.
The first number is the average generic ballot polling on Election Day and the second is the actual result:
2014: GOP +2.4 GOP +5.7 = GOP+3.3%
2010: GOP +9.4 - GOP +6.8 = GOP -2.6%
2006: DEM +11.5 - DEM +7.9 = DEM -3.6%
2002: GOP +1.7 - GOP +4.6 = GOP +2.9%
The first takeaway is that the polls average being off by about 3%. There's no particular rhyme or reason politically (polls were overly representative of both parties twice). So next let's try to see what cycle this one most resembles. As of today, the generic ballot says...
Current: DEM: +7.8%
That's a significant 3.4% drop from just a week ago. In the wake of the partial government shutdown forced by Senate Democrats - you probably have your answer as to why they backed down. Clearly, it wasn't polling well for them. That changes the dynamic in this week's update quite a bit as well.
Last week the modeling supported a 2006 type of cycle for Democrats. Now this more closely resembles a cycle that would be a potential mix of the Republican's 2010 & 2014 performances. Were that level of performance to occur Democrats would claim 38 House seats and 7 Senate seats which would be plenty to retake control of both chambers of Congress. The major caveat is that the Senate map is highly unfavorable for Democrats this year. As a result, they wouldn't gain 7 seats with a like performance this cycle but could it be enough to retake control of the Senate? As of now yes...The Democrats would still likely gain complete control of Congress if the mid-terms were held today.