All in all, the US economy is the best it's been since 1997. 21 years! Back in those days during the opening of the State of the Union Addresses President Clinton would say that "The state of our union is strong". Perhaps President Trump will take a cue.
Marist & NPR just wrapped up polling on job security and the numbers were as good as we've seen.
A remarkable 84% of Americans say they're not worried about job security. And 50% of Americans have said they've received a raise and are you ready for this...90% say they feel their employers value them.
It's amazing what a good economy and raises will do to improve your perspective on the workplace. While this is all good news for employees, and generally for employers as well, there's a cautionary note for employers.
In the event you haven't stepped up and rewarded your employees, especially your top performers, this type of security could be a problem for you. Previous research from Gallup (in December) demonstrated that even 24% of employees who said they're currently happy with their job and employer intended to look for a new opportunity this year because of the good jobs market and perceived opportunities that now exist.