Disgraced former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar, who is accused of sexually abusing more than 140 girls and women, will have to wait until next week to be sentenced.
Judge Rosemarie Aquilina has extended the sentencing hearing.
Nassar, 54, on Thursday asked to stop hearing from the survivors of his abuse.
In a six-page single-spaced letter, Nassar complained it was too hard to listen to dozens of accusers describe how he abused them under the guise of medical treatments and how it wrecked their lives. He said the judge had turned the proceeding into a "media circus" and put herself in the spotlight.
Aquilina told him nothing he was hearing is as harsh as what his victims endured.
Nassar has already been sentenced to 60 years in prison for child pornography by a federal judge in Grand Rapids.
More women have just requested time to present victim impact statements, bringing the total to 105, prosecutors said.