In this series we'll track the high point, low point and current ratings of President Donald Trump...
Trump's lowest ratings:
37% approval
59% disapproval
Total: -22% (8/4/17)
Trump highest approval ratings:
45% approval
43% disapproval
Total: +2% (1/27/17):
Trump's current ratings:
40% approval
56% disapprove
Total: -16%
After the best approval ratings for the President since last spring recently... A surge in new year polling rolled in over the past week showing a less rosy picture of Trump's overall approval. Despite continued improvement on our view of the direction of the country - it appears as though the initial, rabid, reporting on the President in the wake of Michael Wolff's discredited book - Fire and Fury managed to and an impact - with those that are generally the least informed anyway.
As I've been tracking for several months now...The more likely someone is to vote, the higher the President's overall approval rating.
With adult only samples his rating over the past week averaged: 38%
Registered voters: 39%
Likely voters: 44%
That's a significant story - especially as we're entering the mid-term election cycle. The more informed/engaged you are politically, the more likely you are to approve of the President's performance. It also demonstrates that the most informed adults weren't persuaded by the tale tales in Wolff's book.
The range was Rasmussen –11% to Quinnipiac -23%