Even objective Democrats would admit that media's coverage has been highly critical/negative when covering President Trump (though many would say he deserves it).
According to the Media Research Center:
- About 60 percent of all coverage of Trump was editorially negative prior to mid-year
- That was 300 percent more negative than the coverage of Obama over the same time period
- September-November, at the peak of tax reform debate, coverage averaged 91 percent negative
A recorded record.
It's clear that the news media have voted by choosing sides. It's absurd to suggest that with the best overall economy in 12 years and the President taking action on the average American's biggest concerns (healthcare, taxes and the courts) deserved nearly exclusive, negative, coverage.
The thing is... more than ever before, Americans have noticed.
Not only is President Trump's average approval rating the highest it's been since last March, trust in the media is at record lows. It's worth a reminder that if the traditional news media had the influence they wish they had there's no chance that Donald Trump would be President to begin with and they're not "getting away with it" in the eyes of their would-be consumers.