These are your daily doses of nonsense from the generally godless, soulless and slanderous media...
Can Our Revolution Build a Blue Texas? John Nichols, The Nation
Wow is this dangerous. Now I'm used to the slander and such but I didn't realize we were now on to full scale violence. How scary are the leftists? Here's the definition of revolution:
rev·o·lu·tion -ˌrevəˈlo͞oSH(ə)n/ (noun) - a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.
That's not a term to be to be thrown around loosely. We know that many on the left resorted to violence to attempt to agitate at Trump rally's during the 2016 cycle. Now we have revolution in Texas? At best John Nichols and the Nation are uneducated buffoons operating extremely recklessly. The leftists are dangerous in every sense of that term.
This Tax Bill Shows Republican Debt Concerns Were Pure Fraud Ezra Klein, Vox
I don't expect you to understand economics or to attempt to provide analytical analysis of the CBO's report suggesting the tax cuts would add to the federal debt over the long run (that doesn't take into effect dynamic scoring - ie the positive economic impact of tax cuts on future revenue). I don't even expect you to own up to being absurdly wrong about the possibility of 3% growth about a year ago when President-Elect Trump was making his case for how it'd happen with positive reforms. Somewhere along the way however, I do expect you and your utter lack of credibility to attempt to slander on a different topic that you haven't been emphatically wrong about time and again within a year. It's clear that you have no clue how to do anything other than potentially balance a check book and that's not a given based on your record.
The Republican Party Has Divided America Juan Williams, The Hill
Lol, make up your mind Juan. I thought it was Trump. Now it's the party (that tried it's best to keep Trump from winning during the primaries btw.). But all of you folks on the left are as innocent as the fresh fallen snow right? Not even the snowflakes are that clueless (that goes for both kinds of snowflakes)...
Until tomorrow...