With the revelation that more than half of all adults were compromised via Equifax's multi-month-long security breach – I indicated last week that if you're info had been compromised, and if you don't already have ID theft protection...
...you should take advantage of the TrustedID protection that Equifax is offering for victims.
In so doing, I mentioned it's the third best service available (in my view).
In turn, I had a number of listeners ask me which two I think are better. In my humble opinion:
I've used both and don't think you can go wrong with either.
There's an argument that can be made that the family plan with ID Guard has a slight edge but both are outstanding services. Whatever you choose to do – I maintain that ID theft protection is worth every penny.
It's saved me more times than I can recall.
Earlier this year, my ID was stolen and attempts were made in my name at banks, department stores and credit card companies.
None of it was successful because of the immediate indications from my ID theft protection service. Those are just the latest examples.